A main tenet of being a good steward of money is investing – investing in resources and in people. At Corban OneSource, we do both, but not always in the way that you would expect. One of our foundational beliefs is loving our neighbors as ourselves, giving us the opportunity to be a good steward of your money and invest it in people through Corban Cares in such charities as Team World Vision.

But, these people aren’t always right in our backyards. Sometimes, the best investments are thousands of miles away. This is where World Vision comes in. As an international partnership, Team World Vision supports millions of children and adults in over 100 countries. We invest in them, and they invest in communities, providing food, clean water, education, health services, and much more to people all around the globe. One of their most well-known programs is sponsoring a child, giving anyone who chooses to provide support to a child as they grow up in their community.
We have been partners of Team World Vision since 1997, supporting children as they grow up by making sure they get the care, education, and attention they need to succeed. One of our greatest joys in the office is receiving letters from the children we support. Remember how it feels to get a personalized letter in the mail (that’s not a bill)? That excitement is escalated when we find it’s from one of our sponsored children. With the help of interpreters, we can read how they are doing, what they’re learning, and how they love to spend their time; then, we write back, encouraging them to continue their studies and doing what they love.
We work hard every day at our core belief of serving our clients so we can apply those funds to serve others. To us, Team World Vision is more than just a donation. It’s a way for us to show love and compassion to many around the world – investing to be a good steward.
Corban OneSource is a Mid-Market Human Resources Outsourcer or HRO for companies of 75 to 6,000 employees. Are you looking to outsource the core HR functions of Payroll, Benefits Administration and HR Support? Find out more here.