Just like that old song that goes “You gotta have heart” when it comes to giving to Charities you gotta have giving Tuesday heart!
We go from sharing that time with our loved ones and families on Thanksgiving to dodging the crowds and scouring for good deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Today, however, is Giving Tuesday on November 29 every year. I love finding good deals as much as the next person, but today holds something special. It’s a chance for people to pay it forward and give to any of the charities that they hold dear to their heart.
The New York Times tells of Giving Tuesday as “celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, [Giving Tuesday] has since grown into a global movement of fund-raising for nonprofit groups; collection drives for food, blood and clothing banks; and even random acts of kindness.”
While this is a social media based movement, it has taken the real world by storm. The NYT reports that last year $117 million were raised in over 70 countries. It’s presence on social media has allowed the movement to be shared through engagements such as reposts or retweets and the sharing of stories on personal accounts.
Today is one of those days where everyone can come together and make the world a better place.
We at Corban OneSource support multiple local, national, and international charities. As we have said before, we believe that no one stands taller than when they kneel to help others, supporting one of our foundational beliefs of loving your neighbor like yourself. This Tuesday is a special day to give, but we also believe in giving year round. Take a look at our Corban Cares page to see some of the organizations we support year round.
Mashable is correct in saying, “Whatever form your good acts take, it’s important to remember that the spirit of the season isn’t in materialism, but in making the lives of others a bit brighter.”
Outsourcing HR mitigates risk, controls cost, adds stability and increases service levels. It also takes things off your plate so you have more time to encourage your employees to have a Giving Tuesday Heart.   Corban OneSource specializes in companies with 75-6,000 who need help in the core HR tasks of Payroll, Benefits Administration, and General Administration. Find out more about how Corban can help you strategize HR solutions fast.